
Nicola Marzot


Born: November 27th 1965, Bologna, Italy

Gender: Male

Nationality: Italian


High education degree (1984), Scientific Liceum, Bologna; First Degree (1994), University of Florence (Faculty of Architecture), thesis on survey methods for rehabilitation of historical buildings and public spaces in historical areas, Ferrara, 110/110 cum laude (Maximum mark); PhD (2000), University of Bologna (Faculty of Engineering), thesis on urban design methods, Advisor Prof. Pier Luigi Giordani. PhD (2006 onward), TU Delft Polytechnic (Faculty of Architecture), thesis on architectural design method, Advisor Prof. S. Umberto Barbieri.

Academic position

Assistant Professor in Architectural Composition and Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture (*), University of Ferrara, Italy, and Head of project laboratory, “Architectural Composition IA” (*currently ranked top in national ratings in Italy).

Previous experience

Temporary Lecturer, University of Ferrara, Faculty of Architecture (1995/96-1996/97-1997/98-2001/02-2002/03), teaching “Urban morphology and building typology”; Temporary Lecturer, University of Florence, Faculty of Architecture (1997/98), teaching “Theory of contemporary architectural research”; Temporary Lecturer, University of Florence, Faculty of Architecture (1998/99), teaching “Typological and morphological characters of architecture”; Temporary Lecturer, University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering (2000/01-2001/02-2002/03), teaching “Technical urbanism”, and Head of laboratory “Technical urbanism I”.

Master courses

Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara, “City Manager” (1996/97-1997/98), “Urban requalification” (2002/03); Faculty of Engineering of Padova, “Territorial engineering” (1997/98-1998/99-1999/2000-2000/01-2001/02) and “Human ecology” (1998/99-1999/2000)

Visiting Positions

Visiting Professor in Architecture, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan (2003- 04), invited by Professor Hidenobu Jinnai; Visiting Professor in Engineering, University of Lund, Sweden (2004-05), invited by Professor Göran Sandberg. Visiting Professor in Architecture, TU Delft Polytechnic, Delft, The Netherlands, (2006-2007 onward), invited by Professor Umberto Barbieri.

Institutional Activity

Head of Urban Planning, Nomisma Real Estate Observatory. Advisor to regional public administrations (Emilia-Romagna Region, Bologna Country, Municipalities of Reggio Emilia, Argelato, Castel Maggiore, Padova, Firenze, Milano and Verona) and private Institutions (OIKOS and NOMISMA Spa) on planning and urban design subjects. Member of the Council of the International Seminar on Urban Form (2005 onward). Secretary-General of the International Seminar on Urban Form (2006 onward). Curator of the Italian Pavillion at the 10th Venice International Architecture Biennale, with Franco Purini, Livio Sacchi and Margherita Petranzan (2006).


Luca Righetti


Born: January 15th 1964, Bologna, Italy

Gender: Male

Nationality: Italian


High education degree (1983), Scientific Liceum, Bologna; First Degree (1993), University of Florence (Faculty of Architecture), thesis on survey and static rehabilitation of a Roman stone bridge on the Taro river in Parma, Italy, 110/110 cum laude (Maximum mark).

Institutional Activity

Member of the Building Commission, Pianoro Municipality, Bologna (1999-2007). Advisor of Banca Intesa Spa for the Emilia-Romagna regional front office network (2005).  Advisor for Basileus Spa Construction Company (1996-2003). Advisor for Ernesto Frabboni Spa Construction Company ( 1996-2003).